Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Before I begin this new journey, I would like to start with some disclaimers. First, I am writing because the Lord has laid this upon my heart to share with you my spiritual thoughts. Next, I do this only for the glory of the Lord and to advance his kingdom. Last, I would not be capable of any of this on my own.  I will  prayerfully creating these posts in hope of sharing with you amazing facts about my father. I pray that this would not only be informing about my walk with Christ, but a place of hope and a form of worship glorifying our Lord.

 I love the scripture presented by Paul in  Galatians 5:13 saying, "My brothers and sisters, God called you to be free, but do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what pleases your sinful self. Serve each other with love.(NCV)" I have been experiencing situations in the past couple months that have the theme of service. When I first started my church internship my heart was so full of willingness to serve. I was willing to do anything and everything to somehow "improve" the church.  My motives were not only wrong, but prideful. I desperately wanted to use my spiritual gifts in a way that served God, but sin crept in. Its so easy for us to become prideful. A simple encouragement from a pastor, or a acknowledgment in front of your youth group can so easily become enough fuel to start a fire of self seeking sin. My father rightfully deserves every ounce of glory that I can squeeze out of the service I do it for him. I think its hard for  Americans to purify our hearts. Constantly the enemy tempts us with the American Dream. We desire financial security, not only that but we want more. We work for worldly wealth.  We wish for success, and worth, but we already have all of that.The only thing the King of Kings wants from you and I is our hearts. Yet no matter how often we go to church, or pray, we hand over a saturated torn organ that's infested with  black pigment contaminating the purity given to us by  grace. Thank goodness our God is the master of forgiveness. We were called to freedom, saved, and loved forever and ever.

Servant, is the most kind and worthy name I could possibly accept from such a holy and perfect Dad. I feel like the most inadequate daughter that he has, yet he tells me I am beautiful, made in his image, and created to worship him. What an honor, I was not blessed with spiritual gifts to "improve" the church, but to glorify my God. Once I removed the pride, guess what remained? Joy, fulfillment, and a completely content soul. Let me tell you , in the midst of heading up a large Spring Tea Fundraiser for my church, the week started as overwhelming, disgraceful, and beyond stressful, but this afternoon the Lord revealed such a greater purpose for my service. Through the Spirit, a  friend reminded me why I was organizing such an event. Its all about him. Even as I am in tears in the middle of Walmart, because I couldn't match the shade of pink plates to my menus, God wanted me to remember that I should be so captivated with him that my trust is without borders. Therefore, I commit to giving every ounce of my freedom to the Lord (I mean, it rightfully belongs to him, the one who did not sin. Yet he took every sin ever committed by the human race upon his shoulders), and not to sin. I eagerly give myself to service, secured with love. I do this for you Lord, and you alone.

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