Today was our last day at the orphanage. I will miss each child with every ounce of me, for they have taught me so much. The Lord loves to use our passions to teach and instruct us on his heart for us! I saw it in Juliet today.

Juliet was one of the first, sweet girls I met at the Sara Rose home a week ago. She is my loving, little sister and would be a perfect fit for the Lucas family ( *hint hint Mom and Dad ). She is a quiet soul, you can find her in the classroom, learning or drawing when all the other kids are running wild and throwing cookies. You can always catch her sensitive smile, or hold her soft, little hand. Juliet is 7 years old, she was raised by her great, great grandmother untill she became to old, and weak to care for her. She dropped her at the orphanage for better care. Since then, she has grown with the loving care of the moms there. Although she is quiet, and has self control she has a wild and fun spirit that can't help, but make you laugh. Together we had our own dance party in the nursery and got several kids to join in on the fun. She wants everyone to be included, and won't let anyone be left out. She loves hugs that have tight squeezes, head scratches, and goodbye kisses. I will forever remember the grace that she has for everyone around her, and the sisterhood we share.
Pasko was doing well today, and gave me a huge grin when I first saw him. I picked him up and cared for him for the day.
By the end, I was called something I have never been called before. Mom, if you've ever read Kisses From Katie that same word lead her to a life of mission. The kids began to shout something in Bemba, looking for a translation the Mom said, " They are calling you Mother of Pasko," I smiled and kissed the sweet child in my arms. How powerful, 7 short days, and a relationship that will last a life time. To say the least I left with the Number of the Mom from the orphanedge, and left my number for her. Our conversations concluded with a possible teaching opportunity and open arms for a potential stay at the Sara Rose home.
Letting go of the last hand, cracked another piece of my heart. One last wave, and blow a kiss goodbye, but it's not goodbye, it's " See you soon, I love you!"
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