Today was spent with the orphans at the Sara Rose Orphanage. It was a calmer and less intense day then the previous spent at VBS, but just as packed with Jesus. The older kids had left for school by the time we got there this morning. That left us with about 15 younger kids and laundry for 35.
Jeni and I began folding the Laundry that one of the "Moms" had instructed us to fold and sort. Now, this wasn't just any laundry, it was a mountain of laundry!
We scrubbed, and scrubbed, and scrubbed some more, but really just got the dust and dirt out of the clothes. After a while we hung them to dry on clothes lines and threw the leftovers on a low, reachable section of the roof.
it with a smile on our face. Little did we know, this was only the beginning of the laundering. These women honestly amaze me, they work so hard for nothing. At least nothing here on earth, but boy are they stowing away Gold for heaven! We moved on to washing clothes. They didn't have a washer and dryer, just buckets, a hose, and some dry soap.
It was getting close to lunchtime and the kids were all in the schoolroom learning. The Moms gathered us in the kitchen to teach us and help us finish prepare lunch. A Zambian Classic Shima was being prepared. Basically it's corn meal and water. I had helped stir the thick mash the day before at the Feeding center, so I had a little experience. After we finished lunch, we served the kids and put them down for nap time.
Meanwhile I was hanging out with my new brother Pasko. Pasko is 5 years old, and he has a spinal disability. His disability restricts him from walking, sitting up, talking, developing regular formation of his joints, and has stunted his growth. The kids call him baby, because he is litterly like a baby. I have a special place in my heart for disabled children, or disabled people in general, and always have. I asked a series of questions to one of the moms to learn more about him, and how he struggles. He stole my heart and I spent a lot of time trying to get him to say his sounds, which he is starting to get and making him smile with silly faces.
He would laugh, I would giggle. He would smile, I would squeal. He would grab my hand, I would squeeze his. He is so small and fragile, but has a big personality that takes up the room!
I love him, and we have a special bond. Only one that can be formed with Christ. I think that my soul didn't stop praying for healing from the moment I held him, to the moment I put him down, and yet it still prays now. It is so possible for him to someday walk and talk with the power of Jesus.
I am thankful for each child I have touched, seen, and interacted with. I can't help but pray for more hands so that every child could hold one and I could comfort more then a few at a time. Mmy life has been blessed with everyone of them.
Thank you Jesus, for the time I've had and the time to come. For each smile, each sound of laughter, and each kind hand. Thank you for all I have learned and all the lives that have touched mine. Thank you for sacrificing yourself, so that I am set free and can live a life with your joyful and compassionate Spirit. I do this for you Lord, and you alone.
Living with your eternal love,
Your admiring daughter
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